Florida Paver Sealers (239)230-1266

Accurate Paver Sealers
Water Based • Rejects Mildew • No Yellowing • Safe
History: Accurate Paver and Stone Sealer
Years ago, our founder Gil Anuez purchased the best sealers on the market after installing pavers in beautiful commercial shopping centers and high-end homes. He found that the best commercial paver sealers just weren’t good enough. Realizing Naples Florida produces some of the most harsh tolerances on the life of a sealer that he needed to re-apply sealer again after 12 months. Gil took matters into his own hands and researched sealant manufactures, he found a manufacturer that formulated a sealer just for Gil. This sealer was made to stand up to the sun and rain. Gil found that his proprietary sealant was amazing, it could stand up to the relentless sun like nothing else, and it was better than anything on the market for the massive rain we get during the seasonal rainy season. He realized that he had a product that could be marketed to the state and out of town paver companies. We now have a paver sealer that any Florida resident can buy in five gallon buckets. We can ship our sealants to any place in the United States. Our sealants are amazing and the people that try it, reorder the sealant over and over again. If you try Accurate paver and stone sealant, you will not want to use anything else ever again.
What Surface Can This Be Used On?
Accurate Paver Sealers can be used as a concrete sealer, stone and marble sealer, clay and brick sealer, travertine and granite sealers as well as colored concrete pavers and sandstone pavers. Accurate Sealers dry fast and are a clear sealer with no yellowing. It is a specially formulated penetrating sealer designed for long periods of hot and dry conditions as well as long periods of wet and damp conditions. This product rejects mold and mildew and is a effective breathable moisture barrier, by reducing water retention.
Some Product Features:
- Dries Fast and Can Be Walked or Driven On Within 24 – 48 hours.
- Un-effected by UV rays. Formulated for Florida’s extended periods of hot conditions.
- Only One Application is Necessary.
- Can Be Applied by Spray or By Brush
- Non-Toxic and Harmless to the skin.
- Non Flammable.
- Dries Clear with No Yellowing or Color Altering Effects.
- Applies Even with Proper Application.
- In commercial Use for Over 15 Years with Little or No Reworking a Job.
- A High Level of Customer Satisfaction. The Results Are Amazing.
- Formulated By A Paver Company.